
Featured Publication

December 2020

Publications and Events of the LPFN: 2011-2020

A compilation of the publications and events of the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative, during 2011-2020

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Browse by Research Theme

Track Record of Landscape Initiatives

The scope, scale, impacts, outcomes and effectiveness of integrated landscape management, and key factors for success.

Potential Benefits of Integrated Landscape Management

Where, when and how integrated landscape management creates livelihood, ecosystem conservation, nutrition, food security, and climate change solutions.

Governance and Implementation

The innovative farm and land use practices and institutional and governance arrangements that make integrated landscape management work.

Opportunities in the Private Sector

Market mechanisms and business practices that support improved landscape outcomes. The business case for engaging with integrated landscape management.

Policy, Finance and Investment Needs

How integrated landscape initiatives are currently funded, what needs to change to scale these solutions, and how public and private finance can help.

Research, Development and Training Gaps

What we don’t know yet that we ought to know to advance integrated landscape solutions. What and how to teach practitioners to implement what we do know.

About the Global Review Research Project

Whole landscape approaches have been practiced around the world for many years, yet there has been little effort to systematically review and synthesize this experience. The Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative is filling this gap by assessing the practice and potential of whole landscape approaches, and making this knowledge widely accessible to policy-makers, agriculture and conservation professionals, and others.

The global review consists of dozens of studies being developed by multi-disciplinary teams of researchers, practitioners, and experts from around the world.